Vagif Sadygov: "There was no conversation with Ertugrul Saglam, this is a game of the managers"

7 January 2024 11:07
Vagif Sadygov: "There was no conversation with Ertugrul Saglam, this is a game of the managers"

"There were no negotiations with any coach by AFFA."

Vagif Sadygov, vice president of AFFA, told

According to the member of the Special Working Group, the name of a head coach has not been mentioned in any of the meetings held so far. He said that there was no official conversation with the Turkish coach Ertugrul Saglam from AFFA, this is a game of the managers: "At the last meeting, it was decided to hold certain discussions regarding both local and foreign coaches. It is possible that the name of a coach will be announced in the next meetings. However, no coaches have been discussed in the current situation. In that case, how is it possible to send an offer to a coach? Of course, the process is not like that. The final decision will be made by the Executive Committee. Now some managers want to come and do something. That's why our football is in this situation. Today, we have to weigh and make a decision so that we can get on the right track and achieve the desired result."
It should be noted that Ertugrul Saglam, the head coach of Kocaelispor, said on the "X" account that he received an offer from the Azerbaijani national team 2 weeks ago, but did not accept it.

Banuchichek Huseynli