Yunis Huseynov: "The origin of the new head coach does not matter" - VIDEO

10 February 2024 14:50
Yunis Huseynov: "The origin of the new head coach does not matter" - VIDEO

"I have always said that local experts should be given a chance. Locals are not less capable then foreigners."

This was said by Yunis Huseynov, a veteran football player who was a guest of the Idman Bizde program.

The former player of the Azerbaijan national team considers the local specialists better than internationals. According to him, if the national team is entrusted to a foreigner again, our football team should be suitable for him: "Who will coach the team in the League of Nations, what will be the football philosophy, what kind of football will he play, a lot will depend on him. Even if he is a foreign specialist, his style must be suitable for us. The country is different. He doesn't do it. The main thing is that he is a good specialist. But after that, we can better say what place we can take in the League of Nations, what result it can give."

It should be noted that Azerbaijan will compete against Sweden, Slovakia and Estonia in the C division of the UEFA Nations League.