Muhammad Muradli continues to lead - PHOTO

18 April 2024 11:19
Muhammad Muradli continues to lead - PHOTO

The games of the 7th round of the Azerbaijan Championship among male chess players were played. reports that the leader of the competition, Mahammad Muradli, who played with black pieces, played to a draw with Vugar Rasulov.

Khazar Babazada, who played with white figures, won the ranking favorite Aydin Suleymanli. Misratdin Isgandarov shared the points with Ulvi Sadikhov, Read Samadov shared the points with Vugar Manafov, and Suleyman Suleymanli shared the points with Murad Ibrahimli. Urfan Sevdimaliyev tied with Rustam Rustamov.

In the reporting round, Namig Guliyev lost to Togrul Hasanzade, who performed with white figures. Abdulla Gadimbeyli and Allahverdi Hamidov defeated Shiroghlan Talibov and Khagan Ahmed, respectively.

After 7 rounds, Mohammad Muradli with 5.5 points was ranked first. Khazar Babazadeh, Aydın Suleymanli, Vugar Rasulov, who are 1 point behind the leader, share the 2nd-4th places, respectively. Misratdin Isgandarov, Vugar Manafov, Read Samadov, Abdulla Gadimbeyli, Togrul Hasanzade and Ulvi Sadikhov, who are close to the top four, have 4 points.

According to the regulations, after 9 rounds, the first four chess players will continue fighting in the semi-finals.

It should be noted that the prize fund for the Azerbaijan championship has been increased to 30,000 manats. The winner of the competition will be awarded with a medal, and diploma and will receive 12,000 manats.