APPEAL from AFFA regarding development strategy

22 July 2024 12:48
APPEAL from AFFA regarding development strategy

In order to write the development strategy of AFFA for the next years, several meetings were organized in online format.

As reports, this was announced by the institution's press service.

AFFA, as well as representatives of strategy partner "Double Pass" and "McKinsey & Company" took part in the meetings. The following issues were discussed during the meeting:

- The process of collecting information required for the discussion and analysis of the current situation in various fields for the purpose of writing the strategy
- The dates of the meetings planned with the representatives of both companies in Baku in the next weeks, the issues to be discussed and the next steps have been determined.

In the process of writing the strategy, it was decided to receive opinions from competing professional football clubs, partners and sponsors, media representatives, as well as from the football community. The collected data will be analyzed by AFFA and its cooperating companies in the next stages.
A meeting with media representatives will be organized on 09.08.2024 in order to collect opinions. To participate in the meeting, media representatives can register at the email address [email protected] until 02.08.2024. Detailed information about the place and hours of the meeting will be published on the official website of AFFA after the registration process is completed.

Potential proposals from the public regarding the writing of the future strategy will be accepted until 05.08.2024. Anyone can submit their proposal to AFFA through the following link:

Information about the process of collecting opinions from AFFA member institutions, professional football clubs competing in various leagues, as well as partners and sponsors will be made public.