Azerbaijan national team - 4th time in last 13 matches

23 March 2025 17:33
Azerbaijan national team - 4th time in last 13 matches

Azerbaijan national team lost to Haitian players in a friendly match in Sumgayit with a score of 0:3, and was left in the minority in the 84th minute of the game.

Defender Elvin Jafarguliyev was sent off after being punished with two yellow cards in one minute, reports.

It is the 4th red card of the Azerbaijan national team in the last 13 matches. In November 2023, Bahlul Mustafazadə in the match against Sweden, Eddie Israfilov in the match against Belgium and Mahir Emreli in the match against Slovakia in November 2024 left the team in the minority.

Elvin Jafarguliyev received 3 red cards in international competitions last year. He left Qarabag in the minority in the matches against Braga, Bayer and Ajax.