Ojag Sport club has launched new sports - VIDEO

23 January 2024 16:09
Ojag Sport club has launched new sports - VIDEO

Ojag Sport club, which has a special place in Azerbaijan's gymnastics and was selected as the best team of 2023, has started to operate new sports.

This was announced by the chairman of the board of the club, Vafa Bakarova, who was a guest of Idman.biz studio.

She said that in addition to gymnastics, swimming, diving, water polo, figure skating and ice hockey departments will also operate in Ojag Sport. This is especially good nowadays. Children spend more time on social networks and computer games. It is better to do sports than that. We already have a water polo team."

It should be noted that Ojag Sport club was selected as the best club of 2023 in the survey conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

Emin Aga
