Azerbaijani aerobics team to compete in World Age Group Championship

19 September 2024 14:35
Azerbaijani aerobics team to compete in World Age Group Championship

The Azerbaijani aerobics team is set to participate in the World Age Group Competitions starting tomorrow in Pesaro, Italy.

Azerbaijani gymnasts will compete both individually and in various group events, as reported by

Farid Jafarov, Ayan Aghayeva, Sanam Kazimova, Maryam Topchubashova, and Sara Alikhanli will represent Azerbaijan in the individual competitions.

Farid Jafarov and Nuray Isayeva, as well as Huseyn Karimzade and Khusna Rzayeva will join the fight in mixed doubles.

Aidan Malikova, Amina Mustafayeva, Rena Mammadova, Nuray Isayeva, Khusna Rzayeva, Mehin Mustafazade, Leyla Ahmadova, Sara Alikhanli and Fidan Ibrahimova will try their strength in the triple group.

Ayan Aghayeva, Aydan Malikova, Mehin Mustafazade, Amina Mustafayeva, Rena Mammadova, Leyla Ahmadova, Sara Alikhanli, Fidan Ibrahimova, Maryam Topchubashova and Evelina Kozlovskaya will perform as a group.

In addition, Huseyn Karimzada, Aidan Malikova, Ayan Talybova, Amina Mustafayeva, Takhmina Ibrahimova, Ayan Isganderli, Basti Talybli and Nuray Isayeva will be represented in the air dance competition.

The team will perform under the leadership of Emilia Mahmudova, Leyla Abdullazade and Marian Kolev.

Lala Huseynova will represent Azerbaijan in the competition as a judge.
