A captivating New Year show titled "The Magical World of a Child" was held at the Baku Olympic Sports Complex, organized by the Ojag Sport Club.
The event began with a minute of silence in memory of those who tragically lost their lives in the crash of an Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 passenger plane on the Baku-Grozny route, Idman.biz reports.
The show featured mesmerizing performances by professional athletes from the Ojag Sport Club, showcasing artistic gymnastics, aerobics, and acrobatics. Vibrant dances set to both national and international music added a special charm to the event.
The audience, young and old alike, was immersed in the enchanting spirit of the New Year, creating unforgettable memories. Children had the opportunity to journey into a magical fairy tale world. The beloved New Year character, Santa Claus, delighted them with songs, dances, games, and festive humor.
Notable attendees included Minister of Youth and Sports Farid Gayibov, Deputy Minister Mariana Vasileva, and the family of National Hero Igor Kshnyakin, who was posthumously honored after the tragic plane crash.