Grand Prix: Azerbaijan judo team ranked 6th

28 January 2024 09:44
Grand Prix: Azerbaijan judo team ranked 6th

The Azerbaijani judo team ranked 6th overall at the Grand Prix held in Odivalese, Portugal.

According to, the team won 4 medals in the first two days of the competition.

Among them, Yashar Najafov (66 kg) won silver, Turan Bayramov (60 kg), Kamran Suleymanov (66 kg) and Saeid Molaei (81 kg) won bronze medals.

The best record in the tournament belongs to Japan (2-1-4). Uzbekistan (2-1-0) ranked second, South Korea (1-0-1) ranked third.

It should be noted that representatives of 15 countries won medals at the Grand Prix.