Euronews covers memorable moments at Baku Grand Slam - VIDEO

16 February 2025 13:15
Euronews covers memorable moments at Baku Grand Slam - VIDEO

The second day of the Baku Grand Slam was marked by tense and exciting moments at the National Gymnastics Arena.

Euronews covered those moments, reports.

It was reported that President of the International Judo Federation Marius Vizer and the President of Azerbaijan Judo Federation Rashad Nabiyev officially declared the tournament open:

Azerbaijani judoka Zelim Tchkayev defeated Francois Gauthier Drapeau in the 81 kg weight category, bringing his country its first gold medal.

"I am very happy to have won my fourth gold medal in this tournament. It is a great honor for me to present this victory to the people of Azerbaijan," he said.

Azerbaijani judoka Rashid Mammadaliyev won a silver medal in the 73 kg weight category. Another Azerbaijani athlete, Vusal Galanderzade, brought his country a bronze medal in the same weight category.

Jessica Klimkayt, competing for the first time in the 63 kg weight category, defeated Minami Aono in the final. She expressed her gratitude for the support of the fans.

Ishihara Tatsuki distinguished herself with a magnificent performance in the 73 kg weight category, while Sophie Ozbas won her first Grand Slam gold medal in the 70 kg weight category.

Olympic champions Hidayat Heydarov and Zelim Kotsoyev showed special interest in the tournament. Azerbaijani judokas delighted the fans with their strong performances and great determination."