ANADA delegation at CAHAMA meeting

6 March 2024 16:00
ANADA delegation at CAHAMA meeting

The 63rd meeting of The Ad Hoc European Committee for the World Anti-Doping Agency (CAHAMA) has started in Strasbourg, France. reports that Azerbaijan is represented at the meeting by the delegation led by Tahmina Taghi-zada, executive director of the Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency (ANADA).

During the two-day meeting, representatives of various national anti-doping organizations will discuss important issues in the field of anti-doping.

The agenda of the event included various issues such as approval of the report of the last meeting, discussion of CAHAMA's work methods, innovations in the Secretariat and planning of future meetings.

Circular letters regarding the compliance status of various National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) were reviewed during the meeting. The procedures for the selection of European representatives to the Executive Committee and Council of the WADA Foundation for the years 2025-2027 have also been determined. The relevant advisory groups made presentations on the issues on the agenda of the WADA meeting.

In the open session, there was a general presentation of WADA and various questions were answered.

The first day of the meeting concluded with the discussion of CAHAMA's position on the upcoming WADA Executive Committee meeting, the election of the Committee's chairman and vice-chairman, and other business issues.

The event will be concluded on March 6.