Ulduzlu Idman: Samir Alasgarov conquers his fear of being beaten - only on Idman.Biz TV - PHOTO - VIDEO

23 May 2024 10:00
Ulduzlu Idman: Samir Alasgarov conquers his fear of being beaten - only on Idman.Biz TV - PHOTO - VIDEO

This time’s guest on Idman.Biz TV's Ulduzlu Idman was the comedy actor Samir Alasgarov, popularly known as "Safgulu".

Idman.biz reports that he showed his kenpo skills during a conversation with the host of the show, Zumrud Badalova.

It turned out that Alasgarov practiced martial arts for several years. However, he stopped fighting because of the fear of being beaten by his family. The special guest of the show is Tanriverdi Allahverdiyev, the president of Goju-Ryu “Okinawa Karate-Do and Kobudo” Types Federation of Azerbaijan, the owner of 8 dan, the honored figure of physical education and sports of Azerbaijan.

Nunchucks, painful tricks, spectacular shots... Subscribe Idman.Biz TV on YouTube, watch the interesting show and share your impressions on the comments section.
