European Championship: Azerbaijani table tennis players started

12 July 2024 15:14
European Championship: Azerbaijani table tennis players started

The Swedish city Malmö hosts the European Junior Table Tennis Championships.

As reports, athletes from more than 40 countries are fighting for victory in the competition that started today.

Azerbaijan participated in the prestigious competition with 12 athletes.

Under the leadership of coaches Elnur Hidayatzade, Ramil Jafarov and Sabina Azizli the U19 athletes including Marziyya Nurmatova, Aylin Asgarova, Arzu Aslanova, Khadija Abilzade, Adil Ahmadzada, Rustam Hajili, Huseyn Eylazov, Elshan Huseynov, and U15 athletes including Shabnam Mansurova, Yagmur Mammadli, Onur Guluzade and Tunar Bagirov participated in the Malmö trials. International referee Zaur Mikayilov will arbitrate the games of the championship. Azerbaijani athletes will try their strength in individual, double, mixed-double, and team competitions.

Participants will first determine the winner and prize winners in team competitions. The struggle that started today will be concluded on July 21.