Azerbaijani coordinator in the match of Galatasaray

12 January 2024 10:16
Azerbaijani coordinator in the match of Galatasaray

The European Volleyball Confederation once again trusted Zohrab Gozalbeyli, the chief coordinator of the Azerbaijan Volleyball Federation. reports that a supervisor has been appointed for the return match of the 1/4 final stage of the Challenge Cup between Azerbaijani male volleyball players.

He will assess the work of the referees in the match between Galatasaray (Turkiye) and Fonte Bastardo (Portugal) clubs, which will be held in Istanbul on January 17. The judges of the meeting will be Ivan Momirov from Bulgaria and Michele Brunelli from Italy.

It should be noted that the representative of Turkiye won the first match between the teams with a score of 3:0.
